Friends, Guilds, Associations & Partnership Contact:
Carol Van Baalen
Friends Day in October
Join us at the
KCLS Service Center on Saturday, October 26th from 8:30am-1pm
for Friends Day, our annual celebration of the Association, Friend and
Guild members who give so much to the King County Library System. The
day starts with a get acquainted coffee
and some introductory remarks. Attend seminars on holiday cooking,
healthy food, and cookbooks and food memoir. Join us for brunch provided
by the
KCLS Foundation and celebrate the Foundation Awards for Lifetime Achievement and Friend of the Year. The morning will end with historian
Tames Alan presentation, Dining at Downton, a Trial by Fork and prizes.
Bring nonperishable food to share with
local food banks and come in vintage costume if you like! There is a place for everyone with
Friends Around the Table. RSVP at
Local News
for Sale!
This is Used Book Sale month at the Kent and Des
Moines Libraries. Thousands of donated books, paperback and hardcover,
will be offered for sale at the annual used book sales. All proceeds go
to support library programs at the local branch.
Don’t miss these opportunities to find some good reading for the winter
months, and support your local library at the same time.
Friends of the Des Moines Library Annual Used Book Sale:
Friday, September 13 and Saturday, September 14 10am-5pm
Friends of the Kent Library Annual Used Book Sale:
Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21 10am-5pm
Sunday, September 22 1-3pm
Upcoming Meetings:
Des Moines-Woodmont Library Advisory Board Thursday, September 26, Des Moines Library
Day at the Market
Saturday, September 14, from 10am-2pm,
library staff and Friends of the Library will have a booth at the Des
Moines Farmers Market. They will have crafts and giveaways for the
kids, as well as information about library cards and events.
The Farmers Market is located at the north end of the Des Moines
Marina. Check it out if you are in the area!
Director’s Report
The KCLS Foundation made a strategic donation that has helped KCLS greatly enhance the
“Let’s Read” program. As mentioned in previous reports, KCLS is
partnering with several cities and school districts to send library
staff to summer nutrition sites at schools, housing complexes and
community centers in south King County. Occasionally,
staff is able to take Library2Go vehicles. However, since many kids
don’t have their library cards and the technology (at present) makes it
difficult to connect to our circulation system, the kids can’t checkout
library materials. The money donated by the
Foundation provides books for a wide range of age groups that staff
will give away at the end of the “Let’s Read” summer programs. For many
kids, these books are the first they’ve ever owned and have helped
connect them to reading and the library.
The opening celebration of the
Federal Way 320th Library is scheduled for Saturday, September 28 at 9:30am.
The Library is very different from other KCLS libraries. High windows
on the southeast side of the Library step down to a band of windows
along the bottom perimeter
of the building. The building is clad in metal that will eventually
develop a weathered, steel patina. The Library is the first in the
system to utilize new shelving that incorporates touch screen access to
eBooks and face out display of print books. The Children’s
collection will also be part of a pilot that organizes fiction and
non-fiction books around various child friendly themes rather than to
titles by author or the Dewey Decimal system.
Circulation for
the month of July increased 1% over last year. Holds placed have been
rising System-wide over the last few months and were only down 1%
compared to 2012. Circulation of Choice Reads will
likely be about 3% of KCLS’ overall circulation this year. Choice Reads
is KCLS’ collection of current paperback books that are located near
the entrances of all community libraries. The collections are initially
assigned to specific libraries and cannot be
reserved. Over the past year, Choice Reads circulation has declined.
Collections Management Services staff is constructing various models for
Choice Reads collections that will allow community library staff to
have some choice in the type of materials selected
for these popular collections.
Teen literature continues to be a growing section of KCLS’ collection. Last year, the
Pew Foundation reported that young people in America, and especially
teens, are reading more. Earlier this year, Publishers Weekly reported
on the rapid growth in publishing of young adult literature.
Approximately 12% of KCLS’ collection budget is allocated
to teen books, which has an annual turnover of 4.5 per item compared
to 3.77 for adult fiction.
KCLS Foundation
is pleased to announce the award of seven scholarships to future
librarians. The scholarships provide financial support to KCLS staff
members who are expanding their knowledge, skills, and horizons as they
pursue their Masters of Library and Information Science
Congratulations to these outstanding scholarship recipients:
Katie Burke, Public Services Assistant
University of Washington
University of Washington
Kimberly Kramer, Page
University of Washington
University of Washington
Racheal Ward, Library Assistant
Emporia State University
Emporia State University
Dilrukshi Weerasekara, Library Assistant
University of South Florida
University of South Florida
Debra Wilson, Page Fellow
Wayne State University
Wayne State University
Hope Yeats, Library Assistant
University of Washington
University of Washington
Li Zhou, Page
University of Washington
University of Washington
The KCLS Foundation first awarded scholarships in 2002 and since then has awarded 64 scholarships totaling $104,950.
Carol Van Baalen
Librarian Services Manager
Des Moines - Kent - Woodmont Libraries