Community Liaison Contact: Carol Van Baalen
We are on Facebook!
Des Moines, Kent, and Woodmont Libraries are now on Facebook. Check out what’s new at these links (and be sure to “like” them if you have a Facebook account):
The Des Moines – Woodmont Library Advisory Board is also online. You can find them on Facebook:
They also have a blog where they are posting intriguing articles about libraries, as well as current events in KCLS. Join in the discussion at
WLA (Washington Library Association) Annual Conference – an Invitation to Attend:
You are invited to the Washington Library Friends, Foundation, Trustees and Advocates preconference at the Washington Library Association annual meeting. The date is Wednesday, April 6, 2011 and the place is sunny Yakima.
There is a stellar lineup of topics and speakers and you’ll come away at the end of the day with a new set of skills, a new plan of action and a new enthusiasm for libraries.
The preconference description is below and more information is available on the WLA conference web site, including the registration form. We look forward to seeing you – and getting energized – on April 6.
Energizing Friends, Foundation, and Trustees: Yes to Libraries!
Immerse yourself in a day of learning and networking with your peers from around the state. Join other library advocates and volunteers for this retreat-style preconference that offers participants 4 workshops to attend over the course of the day, with 3 sessions to choose from within each timeslot. No matter how it is you support libraries, we have a customized day of learning for you! Session topics include Board Orientation, Advocacy, Strategic Planning, Lobbying, Foundation Planning, Open Government, Library Law, Recruiting and Energizing Friends and Volunteers, Intellectual Freedom, Robert's Rules of Order, Fundraising, and more! You'll enjoy a networking lunch together during this dynamic conference-within-a-conference, sponsored by WLA's interest group, WLFFTA (WA Library Friends, Foundation, Trustees and Advocates).
Upcoming Meetings:
The Des Moines-Woodmont Library Advisory Board will meet Thursday, March 10, at 7pm at the Woodmont Library.
For a complete list of March programs at your branch, click on these links:
The InfoToGo topic for March is the Testing and Education Reference Center. This database offers test preparation (eBooks and interactive practice for civil service, military, and academic admissions exams), school search, career exploration tools, and Resume Builder.
Despite a healthy increase in eBook downloads (102%) and heavy circulation at the annexed Renton Libraries, System-wide circulation declined two percent in January from last year’s record high. A problem with patron Self-Check Out may have contributed to the decline. A fix is in the works and has been given priority in the development schedule.
Evergreen software development continues. Information Technology Services and the Web Services Department have developed a three-tiered plan for updates, fixes and enhancements to the system. KCLS will also be issuing a Request for Proposal to solicit individuals or local companies to provide additional programming support.
The Burien Library has had a rash of disruptive incidents over the last few months, many involving young adults. KCLS is working on a plan to augment how staff responds to issues that arise and to develop programs that might positively engage young people at the Library.
Take Time To Read book jacket posters will be unveiled on March 1 in eight cities throughout King County. Kent is one of the communities selected for the posters. The posters include a call-in number to listen to information about the book. The public can also visit to access an interactive map to find out where book covers are located, print out a map, listen to information or download an audio guide for the entire Tour.
The Washington State Public Library Directors Meeting was held in Federal Way last month. Much of that meeting was devoted to the partnership between public libraries and schools. With the State’s budget cutbacks, many schools have been looking to their local public libraries to provide even more support and services.
As mentioned at last month’s Board meeting, staff throughout the System has received numerous awards and recognition. Renton Cluster Manager Angie Benedetti won the prestigious 2011 Allie Beth Martin Award from the American Library Association. Last week, Redmond Teen Services Librarian Amanda Hirst received the 2011 Community Service Award from the Lake Washington School District PTSA. Amanda was nominated by Redmond High School staff for her ongoing work with teens in the community. Public Services Project Manager Jennifer Wiseman is a candidate for Vice President and President-Elect of the Washington Library Association (WLA).
The City of Enumclaw submitted paperwork to the King County Council to call for an April election for annexation into KCLS. The Council will vote on February 22 to place it on the ballot.
On February 28, the Tukwila City Council will begin deliberations on the Tukwila Village project. The Council will consider the site of the library in relation to other potential development on the property. The Council will also be advising the City about the cost and conveyance of the property to KCLS.
The City of SeaTac is interested in exploring the possibility of a new library and perhaps a new library location. As the list of 2004 bond projects nears completion, KCLS will have a better idea of what funding might be available for a new library. KCLS will be meeting with City officials in late February to discuss possible locations and support for the development.
Now that sites are almost secured for construction of the Renton Libraries, KCLS will turn its attention to the expansion of the Fairwood Library and the replacement of the Skyway Library. While the Skyway area is part of unincorporated King County, it is within the City of Renton’s sphere of influence and, in fact, citizens may vote to annex to Renton in the next few years.
The Washington State Legislature is having a tough session. As Legislators try to find ways to reduce the State budget, there has been a huge public outcry over some of the contemplated cuts. KCLS and representatives from other Washington libraries converged on Olympia on February 4 for the Washington Library Association’s Legislative Day to convey the message that libraries are busier than ever helping communities deal with the tough economy. School librarians and advocates for the “Read to Succeed” program were the only budget-related issues that were raised in any conversations. The Washington State Library, while suffering from budget cuts, was kept intact in the proposed budget. There are few budget implications for public libraries since they are funded locally.
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Opening day for the expanded Newport Way Library is set for Saturday, April 30, 9:30am.
Upcoming Dates
The next Planning Committee Meeting takes place on Thursday, March 17, 12 noon at Burien Library.
The next KCLS Board of Trustees Meeting takes place on Tuesday, March 29, 5pm at Service Center.