Friends, Guilds, Associations & Partnership Contact:
Carol Van Baalen
Local News
October 28 at the Kent Library
Kent Library hosted a United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services (USCIS) Naturalization Oath ceremony on Monday, October 28.
Thirty-three new citizens
from fourteen countries took the oath to become US citizens. Kent
Mayor Suzette Cooke and Linh Thai, Community Liaison to US
Representative Adam Smith witnessed the ceremony as well. A big thank
you to the Friends of the Kent Library for not only funding
refreshments (cake and punch) and a gift of a KCLS bag to each citizen,
but also for volunteering at the refreshments table.
KCLS Budget Hearings & Board Forums
is holding community budget hearings to discuss proposed strategic
plans and budget allocations for 2014. It is an opportunity for public
discussion to help
shape the way we provide service in libraries, online and in
communities throughout KCLS.
Please join the conversation:
Thursday, November 14, 7pm at the Kent Library
Des Moines – Woodmont Library Advisory Board will attend the KCLS
Library Board Forum prior to the budget hearing. Forums will be held:
Tuesday, November 12, 5:30pm at the Newcastle Library
Thursday, November 14, 5:30pm at the Kent Library
November Program Highlights
Woodmont Library:
Job Search & Interview Strategies for Teens
Wednesday, November 13, 7pm, presented by Allan Hay
Des Moines Library:
A Holiday Tale of Poetry and Magic Show
Saturday, November 23, 2pm, presented by Thomas Pruiksma; for children & families.
Kent Library:
Creating a Graphic Novel
Saturday, November 23, 2pm, presented by Elizabeth Guizzetti, for ages 12 & older.
Sponsored by the Friends of the Kent Library
For a complete list of programs, story times, book clubs, and much more, please click here:
Director’s Report – October 2013
permit and land use requirements for four KCLS construction projects
located in unincorporated King County come under the jurisdiction of the
King County Department of Development
and Environmental Services (DDES). Facilities Director Greg Smith has
met with DDES Deputy Director Jim Chen along with architects from the
Skyway, White Center, Fairwood and Vashon Library projects. It was clear
from the meeting that the County’s budget problems
have severely limited staffing levels and KCLS’ ability to facilitate
their library permitting process. Mr. Chen has agreed to set up an
official contact person for KCLS. The DDES also prioritized the permits
needed for each current project, identifying in
order the fire permit for the Vashon Library; building permit for the
Skyway Library; fire permit for the Fairwood Library and the building
permit early next year for the White Center Library. Based on that
order, KCLS expects to be able to finish the Vashon
Library by the end of the year and go out to bid on the Skyway Library
in November. KCLS will be presenting an update on both Renton projects
to the Renton City Council on November 18.
KCLS’ fleet of Mobile Learning Lab vehicles are back on the road with increased connectivity and new servers to support the vehicles’ on-board software. Library staff will be able to bring more technology related-programs to their community partners. Kingsgate Library staff is planning to visit a neighborhood park with teens to conduct a count of birds and will then use a Mobile Learning Lab to connect to the Cornell University Urban Bird Count Center to report their findings. Library2Go vehicles, which visited an average 165 community sites per month over the summer, have also been upgraded.
KCLS’ fleet of Mobile Learning Lab vehicles are back on the road with increased connectivity and new servers to support the vehicles’ on-board software. Library staff will be able to bring more technology related-programs to their community partners. Kingsgate Library staff is planning to visit a neighborhood park with teens to conduct a count of birds and will then use a Mobile Learning Lab to connect to the Cornell University Urban Bird Count Center to report their findings. Library2Go vehicles, which visited an average 165 community sites per month over the summer, have also been upgraded.
Effective immediately, the monthly King County Library System
Board of Trustees meeting has changed from Tuesday to
Wednesday evenings.
of the change was included in the October Board meeting announcement
that I send to both the Library Advisory Board and Friends mailing list.
Let me know if you have any
Maria Hatcher
Assistant to the Director
Assistant to the Director
From the KCLS Foundation
This year’s Friends Day theme was Friends Around the Table. The agenda included “courses” on holiday meal presentation building community through reading and eating, and literary recommendations on cookbooks and food memoirs. Keynote speaker Tames Alan presented “Dining at Downton Abbey – A Trial by Fork.” The KCLS Foundation hosts the brunch for 100+ guests with arrangements made by Community Relations. Outstanding members of Friends of the Library organizations were honored with the annual Awards. Thank you to all who participated and congratulations to all the recipients.
Lifetime Achievement Award
Connie Olstad, Friends of the Lake Forest Park Library
Friend of the Year
Jackie Krutz, Friends of the Valley View Library
Friends of the Library Hall of Fame
Beth Zirbes, Friends of the Covington Library
Bill and June McIvor, White Center Library Guild
Fred Warden, Friends of the Covington Library
Jane Kato, Newport Way Library Association
Jean Marston, Friends of the Redmond Library
John Mantle, Burien Library Guild
Kathleen Malarky, Friends of the Richmond Beach Library
Luanne Rosenfeld and Dolores Robertson, Bellevue Friends of the Library
Marla Blaser, Kenmore Library Association
Sidney Stockinger, Friends of the Kingsgate Library
Upcoming Meeting Dates
Finance Committee
Wednesday, November 20th, 4 pm,
Service Center
Board Meeting
Wednesday, November 20th, 5 pm,
Service Center
Carol Van Baalen
Librarian Services Manager
Des Moines - Kent - Woodmont Libraries