Community Liaison Contact:
Carol Van Baalen
Friends News
The Des Moines Friends and the Woodmont Friends met together for a holiday party at the Des Moines Library on December 1st. Members brought goodies to share, and also shared ideas about what they are doing in their Friends’ groups.
The Kent Friends met for their holiday potluck last week also. They are now selling canvas book bags for $8.00 each at the Kent Library front desk.
Holiday gift idea: Give Friends book bags! All 3 of our cluster libraries are now selling bags. Support programs at your library while helping the environment!
Library News
The Woodmont parking lot expansion is underway! Construction began November 15, and is estimated to last 3 months. 24 parking spots will be added to the existing lot. Comments from our patrons have been very positive, despite the difficulties of parking during the construction. Staff members are parking in the shopping center lot at the corner of Pacific Highway and 272nd during the construction project to help alleviate the temporary shortage of parking.
Take Time to Read Quick Reads Shelves (see below) are in your neighborhood! Check out the Kent Midas on 104th Avenue and the Les Schwab on Pacific Highway for some good reads if you are having your car serviced at either location.
Coming in January: Citizenship Classes at the Des Moines Library (1-2:30pm on Tuesdays beginning January 11) and at the Kent Library (7-8:30pm on Tuesdays). ESL classes and Talk Times will also resume after the holiday break. Click on these links for a complete list of programs at your library.
Take Time to Read Quick Reads Shelves and Readers in Residence Chairs have been set up in community sites around the County. Promotional signs appear on transit buses and print and radio advertisements have launched. Take Time to Read cards and stickers have been delivered to libraries for distribution to patrons and staff. Learn more at
KCLS was present at the grand opening of the Microsoft Store in Bellevue Square. The KCLS Foundation received a $500,000 technology grant resulting from a Facebook campaign promoting the store’s opening. The funds will be used to support ITS operations and provide software for Game On programs in community libraries. Microsoft president Steve Ballmer was on hand and the opening was attended by thousands of people. Chad Mack, Microsoft Store manager, is interested in partnering with KCLS to develop technology programs or to train Microsoft employees as volunteer Study Zone tutors.
KCLS celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Nonprofit and Philanthropy Resource Center at Redmond Library with a reception on November 9, hosted by the Redmond Friends of the Library. Nearly 100 guests were on hand to hear local fundraising expert Susan Howlett speak about the importance of the Center. Redmond librarian Jeanette Privat, former KCLS Foundation Executive Director, has been the force behind the Center.
The InfoToGo topic for November is Resume Builder, which offers resume building software, sample cover letters and resumes, job seeking tips and advice. Free registration is required. For more information on the current month’s InfoToGo card, click here.
The Evergreen implementation is still causing problems for patrons. This is especially true of the online catalog and holds function. Many steps have been taken to improve performance; however there are still instances of black screens and slow response times. The good news is that there are small improvements every day. Information Technology Services (ITS) is conducting a formal review of the software with an independent consultant. This “postgress” review should reveal any inefficiency in programming and hopefully lead to improved performance in all aspects of the software. Internally, the response time for Automated Materials Handling check-ins and shipping center distribution has been greatly improved. All libraries with AMH systems are caught up with tote check-in.
At the September Board meeting, it was noted that circulation was down 5% for the month of September. In the transition to the new catalog, some of the checkout history was lost. Despite that decline, circulation still increased over 7% for the year. The newly expanded Kirkland and Federal Way Libraries continue to lead the way with the largest percentage increases in the System. In October, all circulation data was captured and showed a 2% monthly increase compared to 2009.

The second hour of each meeting was opened to the general public for discussion of the 2011 Preliminary Budget. More than 100 people attended and their input will be presented to the KCLS Board of Trustees for consideration during final budget deliberations.
The Renton Service Area Analysis (SAA) was reviewed with the City of Renton and the City presented their analysis of various sites in the Downtown and Highlands areas. As reported last month, KCLS prefers a site southeasterly of the current Highlands Library while the City is interested in locating the Library in the Sunset Terrace area. Likewise, the City Council also indicated a strong preference for Sunset Terrace. KCLS has reached consensus with the City on the sites and the City Council has authorized City staff to move ahead on site acquisition. KCLS will develop an agreement with the City on budget oversight by the City and KCLS’ responsibility to manage design and construction. It is likely that facilities design for both Libraries will be completed in 2011 with construction beginning in 2012.
The City of Bellevue is in the process of approving the building permit for the Bellevue Library garage expansion. They have determined that patrons will use NE 10th and NE 12th Streets to temporarily access and exit the parking garage under the Library. This solution seems to have satisfied the concerns of most of the neighbors but parking will be severely limited during construction.
The City of Enumclaw passed an “interest in annexation to KCLS” resolution. KCLS has given City officials a copy of the Renton inter-local agreement as an example of the City’s and KCLS’ potential roles and responsibilities in the event of a positive vote for annexation.
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Even though a groundbreaking was held at the Newcastle Library, construction has not yet started. The contractor is ready and has even set up fencing and staging areas but the City has not yet issued a building permit. KCLS hopes to start construction soon.
The architect firm for the Tukwila Library project is under contract. The interview panel, which included City officials, Board Member Jessica Bonebright and KCLS staff, selected Perkins+Will Architects. Their extensive background in mixed-use projects and their work on the Sammamish Library were significant factors in their selection.
Upcoming Dates
The next Finance Committee Meeting takes place on Tuesday, December 14, 4pm at Service Center.
The next KCLS Board of Trustees Meeting takes place on Tuesday, December 14, 5pm at Service Center.
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