Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 2011 Insights

Community Liaison Contact: Carol Van Baalen

eBook Demonstrations Coming in May
At recent staff meetings in the Des Moines – Kent – Woodmont libraries, librarians and library assistants have been learning the basics about downloading eBooks from the KCLS website.  They will share this information at eBook Demonstrations, open to the public, during the first week of May.  At these demonstrations, you can learn how to download KCLS eBooks to your eReader or computer, look at popular eReaders, and ask questions.  Watch for more details about dates and times for the demos.

Spring Break?  Visit the Library for these special programs:

At Des Moines Library:
·         Family Game On at 1pm, and Super Smash Brothers Tournament for teens at 3pm, on Wednesday, April 6.
·         An Afternoon at the Movies, on Friday, April 8, at 3pm.  Popcorn will be served.  Sponsored by the Friends of the Library.
At Kent Library:
·         The Kid with the Red Juice Mustache Theatrical Performance, on Wednesday, April 6, at2pm.  Sponsored by the Friends of the Library

New Program at WoodmontPlay and Learn
Kaleidoscope Play & Learn is an organized play group for newborns to age 5 and their grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, nannies, brothers and sisters, parents and other people who take care of them. Every Friday from 10:30am-12:30pm.
Clear Your Clutter
  Is your paperwork out of control? Do you want more clarity and joy in your life? Do you want your space to be clutter-free and organized so you can take time to read? Learn strategies for creating spaces that save you time and nourish your spirit.  Presented by Karen Roehl, of Clear Living, Inc. at the Woodmont Library on Thursday, April 28, at 7pm.
Upcoming Friends Meetings:
Des Moines Friends of the Library:  Wednesday, April 6, at 7pm
Kent Friends of the Library:  Thursday, April 14, at 12 noon
Woodmont Friends of the Library:  Thursday, April 24, at 6pm


The InfoToGo topic for April is the database Novelist. This database offers fiction recommendations for a wide range of adult, teen and child reading interests, as well as book reviews, author read-a-likes, theme-oriented book lists, book discussion guides, book talks, and feature articles.
For more information on the current month’s InfoToGo card, click here.

FROM THE DIRECTOR’S REPORT(To view the complete March report, please lookhere.)
 A number of construction projects are moving ahead or nearing completion:
·         KCLS will interview architects for the Renton and Renton Highlands Libraries at the end of March.
·         The expanded and renovated Newport Way Library re-opens Saturday, April 30 at 10am. The opening celebration starts at 9:30am.
·         All of the permits are in place for the Auburn Library expansion. KCLS will open the bidding the first week of May. A vacant business next to the existing Library will provide a temporary location during construction.
·         Union Bank has finally given the Duvall Church permission to sell a portion of its property to KCLS and bidding will open the first week of May for the Duvall Library. The design plans have been scaled back after initial bids came in 30% over budget.
As mentioned last month, there have been a number of incidents at the Burien Library that have primarily involved teens. KCLS implemented a plan to assist staff and to develop programs that will positively engage young people at the Library. Human Resources provided Burien staff with training and coaching for handling patron behavior and staff from around the System participated in walkthroughs around the Library during after-school hours. The City of Burien agreed to provide a better police presence to help manage patron behavior and two new Teen Librarians will focus on ways to establish positive connections with the large number of teens who are coming into the Library.
The Library world has reacted strongly to HarperCollins’ announcement to limit eBook circulation to 26 loans per copy. While some libraries are banding together to boycott Harper Collins, KCLS Collections Management Services thinks that the decision is a positive sign for libraries, especially considering that some publishers, for example Simon & Schuster and McMillan, still do not sell eBooks to libraries.

For the second month, circulation was down by three percent and down about two percent for the year. Nevertheless, KCLS is only about 70,000 items behind last year’s record-setting pace. One of the reasons KCLS can circulate such a high volume of items is the Automated Materials Handling system at the Shipping Department in Preston. KCLS’ Shipping Manager Tony Miranda and NYPL’s Shipping Manager Sal Magaddino waged a friendly bet to see which system could process the most items in one hour. The “Great Sort Off of 2011” was held on March 8 and KCLS edged NYPL by a slim margin: 12,131 versus 11,998 items.
KCLS Administrators and Cluster Managers baked more than 1,200 cupcakes and delivered them to staff to thank them for helping KCLS achieve the highest total circulation in the United States in 2010. Along with the cupcakes, everyone received a copy of “Library Unshelved,” a comic book written and donated by former KCLS staff member, Michael Denton.
The KCLS Foundation welcomed 425 guests to the 18th Annual Literary Lions Gala at the Bellevue Library on March 5. Best-selling author Vince Flynn delighted the crowd with his keynote address, including remarks about becoming a reader and writer in spite of his dyslexia. The Foundation presented a Literary Lions Award to Nancy Pearl for her outstanding work in promoting reading. Two dozen popular northwest authors sold and signed books and spoke with guests. The event raised $100,000 for reading and literacy programs.


KCLS learned that the Enumclaw City Council decided to withdraw its annexation measure from the ballot on April 26. In reaching their decision, Enumclaw’s City Administrator said the City Council “did not commit to another election date… but remains committed to the concept of annexation to KCLS.” KCLS has agreed to complete an analysis of staff positions so that a transfer agreement can be completed and will also begin a cross-use study in the spring to help the City and KCLS understand how much Enumclaw residents are relying on KCLS.

Perkins+Will Architects presented plans to the Tukwila City Council for a stand-alone Library on the Tukwila Village property. KCLS was under the impression that the City was interested in having KCLS move forward with the design and construction of a library as long as the plan did not impede future development of the site. After the architects presented plans that would accomplish this goal, City staff presented a different alternative that involved the City hiring a developer for the site and having KCLS negotiate with the developer to either purchase or lease property for a library. KCLS told the Council that KCLS is not necessarily committed to working with another developer and expressed concern that this new option would further delay the project. The City said a developer could be brought into the project within three months. KCLS will discontinue further design work during this time frame and agreed to explore an alternative plan as long as it fits KCLS’ financial, programmatic and architectural requirements.

The North Highline Service Area Analysis (SAA) was presented to the North Highline Unincorporated Area Community Council (NHUACC) last month. After listening to the presentation and comments from the public, the Council did not take a position but believes that a vote to annex the area to Seattle would likely pass. The Seattle City Council has deferred a decision on an annexation vote to February 2012 and it is unclear whether the City of Burien will now make any attempt to annex the area.

Anticipating the severe parking limitations at the Bellevue Library during construction of the parking garage, the City of Bellevue and Sound Transit agreed to make one of the three bus layover areas available to the Library every day of the week starting at 10am. If there are no appeals to the building permit, the project will bid in May.

After a recent incident at the Woodmont Library, the Des Moines Police Department submitted a Public Records Request for videotape from the Library’s parking lot and interior. As is standard practice in accordance with KCLS policy, KCLS preserved the tapes but asked the Police Department to obtain a search warrant or court order in order to release the records. The Des Moines Police Department, which ultimately obtained a search warrant a week before it was served
on KCLS, is now in possession of the tapes.


View all at http://www.kcls.org/bond/or sign up here to receive automatic updates on the KCLS Capital Improvement Projects!
 Opening day for the expanded Newport Way Library is set for Saturday, April 30, 9:30am. 
Upcoming Dates
The next Planning Committee Meeting takes place on Thursday, April 14, 12 noon at Burien Library.

The next Finance Committee Meeting takes place on Tuesday, April 26, 4pm at Fairwood Library.

The next KCLS Board of Trustees Meeting takes place on Tuesday, April 26, 5pm at Fairwood Library.

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